Brekke & Strand Akustikk AS has a long history of hosting and supervising M.Sc. students who wish to learn from our experienced engineers. We develop and propose several assignments each year and have welcomed students from NTNU, Chalmers, DTU and NMBU so far.
We believe that collaboration between universities and consulting firms provides mutual benefit. Residing students reach the frontier of research and knowledge already during their M.Sc. thesis and can almost always use their results to further the existing knowledge of the chosen subject. This is valuable for a knowledge-based firm such as ours because it aids us in our goal of continuous competency development and innovation. For students, the opportunity to write their thesis at a consulting firm gives them useful insight into acoustics from a commercial/consulting perspective.
Hosting facilities
The student is invited to sit at one of our offices as much as possible to facilitate close collaboration between student and mentor. This also allows the student to get to know our firm and consultants well. However, if the student is based at the university during the thesis work, some visits to our office is encouraged.
We can offer our M.Sc. students the following:
- A suitable workspace amongst our other consultants
- An invitation to join our weekly competency meetings which rotate between the following subjects: building acoustics, room acoustics, electro acoustics, environmental acoustics and industrial acoustics
- An invitation to join our Friday Coffee and Short Lecture Session
- The possibility to join one of our consultants on a typical work day comprised of typical activities such as measurements, inspections and project design meetings
- Free access to our lunch buffet (Oslo office)
Brekke & Strand Akustikk AS is a consulting firm specialized in acoustics, noise and vibrations. Our M.Sc. mentoring program encompasses those students looking for a career within these areas, but we also advise students who wish to pursue a M.Sc. thesis in noise or acoustics related to other fields of study. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Building technology
- Architecture
- Statistics
- Philosophy
- Urban Planning
- Area Planning
- Digital Signal Processing
- Sociology
- Public Health Management
- Road and Railway Design
Brekke & Strand strives each year to have at least two M.Sc. thesis assignments on offer at brekkestrand.no/karriere. In addition, we submit assignments regularly to collaborating universities and invite our own consultants to annual brainstorming session to gather ideas for future assignment topics.
Anyone interested in writing an M.Sc. thesis related to acoustics, noise or vibrations is also encouraged to contact us to develop a thesis assignment in cooperation with the student and their university. We welcome students wishing to write their thesis in English or any Scandinavian language.